AI brings revolution in educational content creation
How to leverage the potential of AI in the largest educational publisher in Poland?
Communicating fashion collections
Which process should be used to communicate new clothing collections? We created a process based on customer needs.
Go beyond the competitive FMCG market
We moved away from typical sales channels and create a new value proposition to ensure revenue growth and profitability.
Innovations in a traditional industry
How to build scale and increase profits? We created new innovative business models for a traditional industry
Building data-driven healthcare app
How can you combine psychology knowledge and technology to make global changes in people’s pro-health behavior? We created digital venture that would turn the answers to this question into a profitable business.
Designing smart city apps
We created a range of modern apps for drivers and passengers alike, in line with the ‘Smart City’ idea.
Transforming recurring payment solution
We developed a mobile app, which not only responds to the users’ needs, but also offers value for financial organizations.